Prizes going to...

Hello our dear community members  We appreciate your hard work once again, thanks for your efforts, here are the members with most approved submissions last week:   1st kien9919 - $50 2nd rocking - $25 3rd qwerty962 - $15 4th  moicuate2014 - $10 Please confirm your BTC/BCH/LTC wallets and we'll proceed with sending your prizes, enjoy! Lucy 

by Lucy, 5 replies.

Started 2018-07-03 08:26:12

Prizes going to...

Hey guys,Thanks for the swift confirmation  Sent the prizes, enjoy!Lucy

by Lucy, 5 replies.

Started 2018-07-03 08:26:12

This week's winners

Hello guys Happy Tuesday, it's the day for happy announcements too. Here are this week's top members, thank you all once again for your efforts, enjoy!   1st kien9919 - $50 2nd rocking - $25 3rd phamthanh20212 - $15 4th  qwerty962 - $10 We'll send your payments as soon as you can confirm your BTC/BCH/LTC wallets. Have a really awesome week ahead, Lucy 

by Lucy, 7 replies.

Started 2018-06-26 08:22:18

This week's winners

Hey guys, thanks for confirmingSent you the prizes Enjoy 

by Lucy, 7 replies.

Started 2018-06-26 08:22:18

This week's winners

Hey kien9919thanks for confirming and congrats again:) sent you the prize, enjoy!Lucy

by Lucy, 7 replies.

Started 2018-06-26 08:22:18

This week's winners

Hey phamthanh20212,Thanks:) Sent the prize! Have a great day Lucy

by Lucy, 7 replies.

Started 2018-06-26 08:22:18

It's time for giving thanks and confirming wallets :)

Hello everyoneHope your week started well, we're thanking everyone again for contributing, here are the top members of this week: 1st qwerty - $50 2nd moicuate2014 - $25 3rd rocking - $15 4th  ballanaresh - $5 4th  therce88 - $5  (4th position split among these members) Congrats to everyone, please confirm your BTC/BCH/LTC wallets. Have a lovely week! Lucy 

by Lucy, 7 replies.

Started 2018-06-19 07:52:21

It's time for giving thanks and confirming wallets :)

Hello our lovely members Thanks for being so prompt, as always. We've sent the prizes as well as your daily cash out requests,Have an awesome week,Lucy

by Lucy, 7 replies.

Started 2018-06-19 07:52:21

It's time for giving thanks and confirming wallets :)

Hey moicuate2014, Thanks for the fast confirmation, sent! Have a great day,Lucy

by Lucy, 7 replies.

Started 2018-06-19 07:52:21

Cheers to this week's star members :)

Hey guys! Happy Tuesday, hope your week is going well. Thanks to everyone in the community, here are the top members of the week (first place is split again, what a competition ) 1st qwerty - $25 1st rocking - $25 2nd kien9919 - $25 3rd  therce88 - $15 4th  phamthanh20212 - $10 Congrats to everyone, please confirm your BTC/BCH/LTC wallets. Enjoy! Lucy 

by Lucy, 6 replies.

Started 2018-06-12 07:32:10

Cheers to this week's star members :)

Hi guys,All prizes and daily cash outs sent, have a lovely rest of the week Lucy

by Lucy, 6 replies.

Started 2018-06-12 07:32:10

Confirm wallets and redeem prizes :-)

Hello everyone, It's been another awesome week and we thank you all for your contribution and support. Here are the top members for last week's submissions. We've had an usual situation where several members have had equal number of approvals, resulting in split prizes, as follows: 1st qwerty - $25 1st rocking - $25 2nd ballanaresh - $8.3  2nd  moicuate2014 - $8.3 2nd  thanhduy8012 - $8.3 3rd  kien9919 - $7.5 3rd  adam27944 - $7.5 4th  y20212 - $54th  monkeydluffy - $5Congrats and thanks again for everything! Please confirm your LTC, BCH or BTC wallets here, Have a lovely week ahead, Lucy 

by Lucy, 16 replies.

Started 2018-06-05 08:16:17

Confirm wallets and redeem prizes :-)

Hehe, seems it was a tight, close one yes! Even better, more members to get prizes 

by Lucy, 16 replies.

Started 2018-06-05 08:16:17

Confirm wallets and redeem prizes :-)

Hey guys,Was an interesting week indeed, we love the competition! Thanks for confirming your wallets, sent you the prizes along with the daily cash out requests, enjoy and may you have a lovely week ahead,Lucy

by Lucy, 16 replies.

Started 2018-06-05 08:16:17

Confirm wallets and redeem prizes :-)

Hello thanhduy8012,Thanks for the confirmation, sent you the prize and your cash out Lucy

by Lucy, 16 replies.

Started 2018-06-05 08:16:17

Confirm wallets and redeem prizes :-)

Hi guys!Thanks a lot for the confirmations, sent you the prizes Have a lovely day,Lucy

by Lucy, 16 replies.

Started 2018-06-05 08:16:17

Confirm wallets and redeem prizes :-)

Hey Adam!Thanks for adding here the wallet, we've sent you the prize, have a great end of the week!Lucy

by Lucy, 16 replies.

Started 2018-06-05 08:16:17

Confirm wallets and redeem prizes :-)

Hey kien9919,Happy .. Monday  Thanks for adding your wallet, we've sent you the prize as well as your cash out amount for today.Enjoy and have a great week,Lucy

by Lucy, 16 replies.

Started 2018-06-05 08:16:17

Claim your prizes :-)

Hello everyone! It's the day for giving thanks again, great job! Here are our top contributors, please confirm your wallets and claim your prizes: 1st rocking - $50 2nd thanhduy8012 - $25 3rd kien9919 - $15  4th  qwerty962 - $10 Awesome week ahead! Lucy 

by Lucy, 6 replies.

Started 2018-05-29 07:21:14

Claim your prizes :-)

Hey guys,Thanks for confirming. Sent the prizes, enjoy and have a great rest of the week!Lucy

by Lucy, 6 replies.

Started 2018-05-29 07:21:14