Best news of the week for best members

Hey guys,Thanks a lot, sent the prize Beautiful day ahead,Lucy

by Lucy, 6 replies.

Started 2018-03-13 11:53:45

Here are the top 4 members of the week, thanks everyone!

Hello, hello, everyone! Thanks again to all our community for their hard work. Here are this week's fortunate members, thanks for your efforts, enjoy: 1st kien9919 - $50 2nd qwerty962 - $25 3rd moicuate2014 - $15  4th Y20212 - $10 We'd need you to please confirm your BTC, LTC or BCH wallets and we'll go ahead and send the prizes, Have a lovely day, Lucy  

by Lucy, 6 replies.

Started 2018-03-06 11:04:00

Here are the top 4 members of the week, thanks everyone!

Hey guys, thanks for the fast confirmations. Sent you the prize, have a great rest of the dayLucy

by Lucy, 6 replies.

Started 2018-03-06 11:04:00

Here are the top 4 members of the week, thanks everyone!

Hey y20212, thanks for confirming, Appreciate your efforts of course. Sent the prize, enjoy Lucy

by Lucy, 6 replies.

Started 2018-03-06 11:04:00

Approval Chance is getting hard

Hello stizzyhd,Sorry your approval rate isn't quite high, checked and you didn't submit that many promos lately, may I suggest you diversify the brands for which you submit? (as duplicates may occur less for most popular brands), please have a look at top brands listed here and try submitting more for these recommended casinosThanks, have a great weekend,Lucy

by stizzyhd, 10 replies.

Started 2018-03-05 12:11:29

Approval Chance is getting hard

You're welcome, hope it helps :) 

by stizzyhd, 10 replies.

Started 2018-03-05 12:11:29

Approval Chance is getting hard

Hello stizzyhd,Welcome back  It may seem harder because the volume grew overall and there are more members submitting bonuses, resulting in several duplicates. Would advise you to try and diversify your sources (newsletter subscriptions, forums, social media etc). You can submit even tournaments/raffles' info (as you find them on the casinos' promotions page). Also, try to add as many details as possible, this will help your approval rates  hope this helps,Good luck and have a great week,Lucy

by stizzyhd, 10 replies.

Started 2018-03-05 12:11:29

Approval Chance is getting hard

Hey ballanaresh, will have a look at your bonuses, sure thing 

by stizzyhd, 10 replies.

Started 2018-03-05 12:11:29

Thank you all and congrats to the winners

Hi, everyone! Hope you're enjoying a nice week. We're aiming to bring good news and make it even better. Thank you all for the efforts, here are this week's top performers: 1st qwerty962 - $50 2nd rocking - $25 3rd liam1352 - $15  4th moicuate2014 - $10 Please confirm you BTC, LTC or BCH wallets and we'll send the payments shortly after, thanks! Great week ahead, Lucy  

by Lucy, 8 replies.

Started 2018-02-27 10:50:05

Thank you all and congrats to the winners

Hey guys, Awesome. Thanks for the fast confirmation, sent you the prizes along with the daily cash outs,Enjoy,Lucy

by Lucy, 8 replies.

Started 2018-02-27 10:50:05

Thank you all and congrats to the winners

Hello stizzyhd,I'm positive you'll get there, perseverance always pays off Lucy

by Lucy, 8 replies.

Started 2018-02-27 10:50:05

Thank you all and congrats to the winners

Hey moicuate2014 :) Sent the prize along with your daily cash out and this week's prize as well Awesome work, enjoy the perks!Lucy

by Lucy, 8 replies.

Started 2018-02-27 10:50:05

This week's best performers, thanks and confirm :)

Hello, hello! It's us bringing good news, that day of the week time! Here are last week's most determined members, thank you all again and enjoy! 1st qwerty962 - $50 2nd ballanaresh - $25 3rd rocking - $15  4th moicuate2014 - $10 We'd need to ask you to please confirm you BTC, LTC or BCH wallets and we'll send the payments shortly after, thanks! Enjoy the week, Lucy  

by Lucy, 7 replies.

Started 2018-02-20 10:12:33

This week's best performers, thanks and confirm :)

Excellent! Thanks for the fast confirmations, sent you the prizes as well as your daily cash outs, enjoy 

by Lucy, 7 replies.

Started 2018-02-20 10:12:33

This week's best performers, thanks and confirm :)

Hi ballanaresh, great, sent Lucy

by Lucy, 7 replies.

Started 2018-02-20 10:12:33

This week's best performers, thanks and confirm :)

Hi moicuate2014,Thanks for confirming, sent you the prize Lucy

by Lucy, 7 replies.

Started 2018-02-20 10:12:33

This week we thank you all, especially these top 4 members

Hi, guys! Once again we're expressing our thanks to all of you, you've been awesome the past week. Here's this week's top 4: 1st rocking - $50 2nd kien9919 - $25 3rd qwerty962 - $15  4th ballanaresh - $10 We'll send your prizes as soon as you confirm your BTC, LTC or BCH wallets, Have an awesome rest of the week, Lucy  

by Lucy, 6 replies.

Started 2018-02-13 09:50:53

This week we thank you all, especially these top 4 members

Hey guys,Thanks for the fast confirmation, we've paid the prizes and the daily cash out requests,Enjoy the week,Lucy

by Lucy, 6 replies.

Started 2018-02-13 09:50:53

This week we thank you all, especially these top 4 members

Hi kien9919,Happy day indeed  We've sent you the prize and the daily cash out. Thanks for your efforts,  enjoy,Lucy

by Lucy, 6 replies.

Started 2018-02-13 09:50:53

Happy members! Here's the top members

Hello, everyone  Hoping Monday has treated you well, Tuesday will for sure! Here's our favourite news of the week. Congrats and thank you all for your efforts: 1st qwerty962 - $50 2nd rocking - $25 3rd moicuate2014 - $15  4th ballanaresh - $10 Please confirm your LTC, BCH or BTC wallets,  Lovely week ahead, Lucy  

by Lucy, 5 replies.

Started 2018-02-06 09:07:42